Trevor Wishart’s The Garden of Earthly Delights

On 12 October 2021Trevor Wishart will present the world premiere of The Garden of Earthly Delights, a one-hour eight-channel acousmatic composition. Wishart started to work on The Garden of Earthly Delights during a residency at Sonology. This residency (the Konrad Boehmer Visiting Professorship) is funded by the Konrad Boehmer Foundation. 

Wishart collaborated with students, research associates, the conservatoire’s First Year Choir and staff.

Entrance is free but registration is necessary through this link. Please note that a QR-check (vaccination or negative PCR test) will take place at the entrance of the hall.

The concert starts at 19:30. Please be there at least 15 minutes in advance, because QR-checks take time. Entering the hall is not possible after the concert has started.

Arnold Schoenbergzaal, Juliana van Stolberglaan 1, 2595 CA Den Haag.

Horacio Vaggione KB Visiting Professor 2017

The Board of the KB Foundation is proud to announce that composer Horacio Vaggione has accepted the invitation to become Konrad Boehmer Visiting Professor 2017 at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. Vaggione will work with students and participate in events at the conservatoire for two months. He is expected to arrive on 1 April 2017.